visva bharati has spent approximately ₹6.00 crores to provide access roads from nisa lodge, bhubandanga, sripally and aurosree market / simantapally to kasahara (café & restaurant). earlier one could access the restaurant only via the sangit bhavana side.
an official of the university wrote in 2017, to the then vc apprising him of the dire urgency in completing this project. the ostensible reason for urgency – “not completing the approved project will seriously affect the academic ambience and sanctity of the asrama area and kala bhavana / sangit bhavana as the kasahara restaurant is already proving.” he rues further the fact “…while the university is frantically trying to deposit fund with cpwd as regards projects that have not even started, estimate sent by cpwd for completing the nisa hotel to sangit bhavana road is gathering dust for the last two years or so.”
however, instead of curbing an enthusiastic kasahara, the exact opposite has happened. this successful project has enabled easier access to patrons from all around. a convenient parking space too has been thoughtfully provided.