Is your car spying on you?

Cars collect data through infotainment systems, which can be used to target ads and services to drivers.

GPS tracking can reveal a driver's location, speed, and frequent destinations, potentially invading their      privacy.

Sensors that monitor a driver's behavior can be used to determine risk-taking behavior, which may impact insurance premiums.

Data collected by cars can be sold to third-party advertisers or used for surveillance purposes by law enforcement.

In some cases, the data could even be hacked or stolen by malicious actors, leading to identity theft or other security breaches.

Name Address Licence details Phone number Email

Performance log Current location/tracking Contacts Safety analysis Driving habits

Your car captures

Disabling certain features or  disconnecting a car from the internet can help protect a driver's privacy.

Being vigilant about protecting  personal information is important both in and out of the car.
