shoppers’ guide is now online

we were looking for a refrigerator, way back in 2014 and we had a specific one (make and capacity) in mind and we set out checking out the shops in bolpur. the minute we park our car close to the target shop, someone runs out and tells us that our car is now obstructing his entire sales for the day and we have to move, notwithstanding the fact there is nary a soul seeking his shop out and in fact he was reading his newspaper till the minute we parked. it is the same story whatever shop you want to visit in bolpur. arguments are just so tiring and pointless, so you park a mile off and walk back…

now you do not have to brave the bolpur traffic in a rickshaw or weather a bone rattling ride in a toto to check whether a particular shop has the item you want. you can call a host of them and find out whether they do and then you need to just go and pick it up.

when we built the shoppers’ guide in 2017 we had wanted to put up a website and install the directory for everybody to access. the website was launched last month (august 2018) and it is still a work in progress. the idea is to make this as informative as possible about bolpur santiniketan  and have pages specific to identify places to visit, to stay in, to eat at and of course to shop at. maybe, just maybe, people might be interested in advertising their businesses and thereby generate a revenue stream !!

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